The main goal of RevivEU of focusing on the upcoming 2024 European Parliament elections and addressing the main concerns of the V4 citizens is realised by researching the attitudes, opinions and concerns of the citizens, and afterwards engaging targeted group of citizens, decision-makers and other stakeholders during events based on research.
You will find more about the research in the project countries in the “Research” section, including information on citizens´ attitudes, policies and public discourse to the core fore topics of RevivEU: migration, Rule of Law, climate and the EU response to the covid-19 pandemic.
We use this research during our events – both to inform wide audiences of citizens, and to engage with and inform various stakeholders in the core areas. We are also paying special attention to the future first-time voters and are including workshops in middle schools. For more information about that, visit the “Events” section.
We as a project are dedicated to the inclusion of wide and representative audiences and to transparency about our activities. Therefore, in the section “Reports” you will find reporting on our events, and aggregated, anonymized data about the participants of our events.