RevivEU project, carried out by four leading institutions in the V4 countries, looks at the needs, concerns and fears of the V4 citizens in four various EU-related topics. It does so through both quantitative and qualitative research of citizens´ attitudes towards climate change, migration, covid-19 and the rule of law. It also analyses the governmental policies in these four main areas and how the communication of these policies is framed in the public discourse.
Afterwards, the project will engage citizens and various stakeholders in the targeted countries and Brussels via a series of debates, workshops, conference panels and media coverage. Using the combined findings of the research, we’ll aim to explain how to communicate and engage citizens in the V4 countries before the pivotal pan-European event that is the European Parliament elections in 2024.
Head to the “About” section to find out more about the project and the participating institutions. To find out more about the Events and Research carried out to during this project, please visit the “Activities” section. You will find out more about the current outcomes through our national media coverage in the “News” section and about the people responsible for this project and its various parts in the “Team” section.
RevivEU is carried out by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in Czechia; Bratislava Policy Institute in Slovakia; 21 Research Center in Hungary; The Projekt: Polska Foundation in Poland; and is supported by the European Union.